Услуги доставки и логистики

Уменьшите неопределенность в запасах с помощью гарантии своевременной доставки

Хорошая логистика, хороший бизнес

Обеспечьте глобальные диверсифицированные транспортные ресурсы, чрезвычайно выгодные цены на транспортировку и богатые услуги безопасности по всему маршруту.

Свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации, и мы поделимся дополнительной информацией о логистике.

Логан Део

генеральный директор Lucent

Liky Li
Committed to providing customers with the world's leading mobile phone screen solutions
Vincent Liang
His keen insight and deep technical knowledge make him an ideal partner for his clients.
Melissa Deng
European market leader. More than 10 years of experience and deep technical knowledge
Forest Collman
A deep understanding of the Russian market helps clients succeed in a highly competitive market.
Karina liang
South American market sales manager, with in-depth understanding of local culture and market
Kavin Feng
Trusted by clients for their proficiency in Spanish and knowledge of local culture
May Wu
Senior experience in South American local market. Deep understanding of market needs and trends
Liky Li
Committed to providing customers with the world's leading mobile phone screen solutions
Liky Li
Committed to providing customers with the world's leading mobile phone screen solutions
Echo Mai
Rich marketing experience. Familiar with the cultural and business differences of African markets
Enya Huang
African sales team leader with deep local market knowledge. Customer first principle
Irving Chen
Knowledge of markets across the continent enables personalized solutions for clients
Queenie Huang
Leader of the Middle East sales team with excellent leadership and business insights
Jennie Liang
We have earned a strong reputation in the Middle East market for our expertise and customer focus.
Elena Yuan
Establish a close cooperative relationship to provide them with high-quality mobile phone screen solutions
Amber Li
Endeared by customers for its success stories and excellent customer service in the Middle East market
Varelia Liu
Professional knowledge and keen market insights to achieve outstanding results in the Asian market
Jennie Liang
Personalized mobile phone screen solutions help them stand out in the fiercely competitive market
Vincent Liang
Stand out in the market with understanding of Southeast Asia’s diverse cultures
Elena Yuan
Personalized mobile phone screen solutions help customers develop rapidly

Комплексные универсальные трансграничные логистические услуги

Охватывает все аспекты: от управления первоначальными заказами, первичного сбора, складирования, таможенного декларирования, международных перевозок до конечной таможни, местных перевозок и последней мили.

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